The impact MMRN Members have had on marine mammal research is vast. The scale of our work spans decades, touching the lives of animals from all over the world. Read the latest peer reviewed papers from our members.
Allen, A. S., Read, A. J., Shorter, K. A., Gabaldon, J., Blawas, A. M., Rocho-Levine, J., & Fahlman, A. (2022). Dynamic body acceleration as a proxy to predict the cost of locomotion in bottlenose dolphins. Journal of Experimental Biology, 225(4)
Bruck, J. N., & Pack, A. A. (2022). Understanding across the senses: Cross-modal studies of cognition in cetaceans. Animal Cognition. Special Issue on cognition in marine mammals: The strength of flexibility in adapting to marine life.
Bruck, J. N., Walmsey, S., & Janik, V. M. (2022). Cross-modal perception of identity by sound and taste in bottlenose dolphins, Science Advances, 8(20).
Charles, A., Henaut, Y., Saint Jalme, M., Mulot, B., Lecu, A., & Delfour, F. (2022). Studying Antillean manatees’(Trichechus manatus manatus) temperament in zoological parks: Exploration of boldness, sociality and reactivity to humans. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 246, 105512.
Ham, J. R., Lilley, M. K., Lelkach, J., Miller, M. R., Robeck, T. R., Pellis, S. M., & Manitzas Hill, H. M. (2022). The emergence and early development of socio-sexual behavior in. beluga calves (Delphinapterus leucas). Behavioural Processes.
Lilley, M. K., Ham, J. R., Miller, M. R., Kolodziej, K., Hill, H. M. (2022). Investigation of lateralization of socio-sexual behavior in belugas (Delphinapterus leucas). Behavioural Processes.
Warner, E., Brando, S., & Wemelsfelder, F. (2022). Recognising emotional expressions in captive bottlenose dolphins: Can lay observers agree using qualitative behavioural assessment?. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research, 10(3), 139–148.
Biancani, B., Sánchez-Contreras, G. J., Furlati, S., Benaglia, F., Arija, C. M., & Gili, C. (2021). Physiological Parameters Monitored on Bottlenose Dolphin Neonates (Tursiops truncatus, Montagu 1821) over the First 30 Days of Life. Animals, 11(4), 1066.
Borque-Espinosa, A., Ferrero-Fernández, D., Capaccioni-Azzati, R., & Fahlman, A. (2021). Lung function assessment in the Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) while resting on land and submerged in water. Journal of Experimental Biology, 224(1), jeb227389.